Available Options

At Risk Alternatives offers Individualized Assistance With...

Local Resources:

schools that address learning disabilities, support groups, issue specific groups, e.g. trauma, divorce, etc., counselors, coaches, therapists, outpatient abuse or addiction recovery programs , mentors, crisis plans

National Resources:

traditional boarding schools, traditional boarding with support services, therapeutic boarding schools, short term therapeutic programs, residential treatment options, outdoor programs

Children with Learning, Attention and Developmental Differences:

Assessment, referrals for testing, specialty schools, specialty boarding schools, tutors, IEP or 504 help

Adolescent or Young Adult At Risk Population:

interventions, local supports, wilderness programs, testing referrals, addiction help, therapeutic programs, residential treatment options, urgent placement for at-risk students, psychiatric hospitals, rehabs, medication assessment or management, emergency transport, crisis planning

Post High School:

transitional or independent living, enrichment experiences, semester abroad, struggling young adult programs, support services at college, mentors


a second opinion, case management, camps, summer programs, abroad experiences

Referrals/Collaboration with other professionals:

psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, therapists, counselors, mentors, coaches,

educators, interventionists, psychiatric hospitals, rehab centers, attorneys


Linda D. Cain, MS.Ed, Educational & Therapeutic Consultant

PO Box 1497

Boulder , CO 80306

(720) 299-8844

(303) 444-8579 (fax)


Trying to solve a problem with the same approach over and over again and expecting different results is insanity.

-- Albert Einstein

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